1. The “expansion jumpers” by pass the 220 ohm standard midi current limiting resistors in order to drive multiple midi devices by paralleling additional midi connectors such as in our Midi Expander. The Midi receiving device also has 220 ohm current limiting resistors so there is no danger of damaging the photo coupler LED(s). Also, this provides more power to self powered midi mergers. When used in conjunction with the Midi Stops Converter, this feature is not available. The Universal Midi Converter board has different spacing which prevents incorrect jumper insertion.

2. The “program jumpers” are reserved for factory upgrades and programming. For security reasons the program code is locked and cannot be read. This allows you to return the board should the need arise and we can re-program it with any future updates or debug fixes.

3. The “division select jumpers” on the first division allow you to select which division a single midi division board version will be routed to. This is especially useful for organs with more than 3 divisions. A 4 division organ would use one 3 division midi board and one single division midi board. Also, in larger organs with one or two computers per division, you would use a single division midi board per division. Our chapel organ with 5 divisions has 5 single division midi boards.

4. The “midi channel select jumper” are set according to the chart on the board silkscreen. For example with all 3 jumpers installed the midi output messages will occur on midi channel 1 for that section of the board. With the left 2 jumpers installed, the messages will occur on midi channel 5. With no jumpers the channel selected will be midi channel 8. All 16 midi channels were not available since an organ with more than 8 divisions is extremely unlikely and most very large organs will use single midi division boards with each set to midi channel 1. If a customer desires other channels we can provide special software that will allow selection of channels 9 through 16 at a special price.

5. The “expression pedal input terminals” are used according to the configuration chart on the board silkscreen. Either a potentiometer,  photo resistor device, or a variable voltage source may be used. The boards are supplied with a jumper from the center terminal (voltage sensing referenced to the LOW) to the HIGH terminal for maximum midi level volume messages. If you connect a jumper from the center terminal to the LOW terminal there will be a low volume level that corresponds to the expression pedal up or closed.  Do not leave center disconnected!

6. “All midi notes off” messages are sent after last note off signal is sent in order to minimize note “ciphering” caused by an intermittent midi cable. This is also useful for testing midi output.

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