Additional Midi Channel Information


The "midi channel select jumper" are set according to the chart on the board silkscreen. For example with all 3 jumpers installed the midi output messages will occur on midi channel 1 for that section of the board. With the left 2 jumpers installed, the messages will occur on midi channel 5. With no jumpers the channel selected will be midi channel 8. All 16 midi channels were not available since an organ with more than 8 divisions is extremely unlikely and most very large organs will use single midi division boards with each set to midi channel 1. If a customer desires other channels we can provide special software that will allow selection of channels 9 through 16 at a special price. See the pictorial on page 2 for the PC board silkscreen jumper set legend. Each division has a separate midi channel select jumper area. To merge all the midi outputs use the Midi Solutions 4 to 1 merger or ours when we have it ready. However, you can test each division separately by using each midi output jack in turn. Just remember to match the midi channel selected on the midi converter to the midi channel(s) on the midi sound generator. If using a single midi hardware sampler, then you would use all the same midi channel numbers merged into a single midi channel that your sampler is set for. However, if using the Allen Ensemble, set each division midi channel # to match those of the Allen unit. If using GrandOrgue (free) or Hauptwerk virtual organ sound generators, you can select the midi channel numbers in the software also. For stops midi conversion, the Harrison Stops Midi converter can be merged using the 4th input of the Midi Merger and can be connected to the stop switches directly or if an Allen MOS 1 or 2 we have the Allen stops interface board that plugs between the Stop Board Array and the stop wiring connector and provides output screw terminal that allow wires to be installed to the Midi Stops Converter board without soldering to the Stop Switches. Then the stop switches control both the original organ voices as well as the Midi sound generator voices.